On the inside/ I imagined myself standing outside/ hands and face facing sky high/ envisioning me crossing my heart and dotting Haiti’s eyes/ number one for the pride/ and the thousands of lives/ that fought for the gift which has no price and died/ then out the confines of my mind subsides/ questions/ that thrive/ and arise/ because I have heard so many times/ “that no one’s free when others are oppressed”/ and if this is so/ then I have to ask if anyone is truly alive when others inadvertently face death/ answerless/ I experience the blues like excessive holds of breath/ and I regret to continue to ask that why must I forget/ how our worlds have to be shook up shifting in tectonic plates before we unify/ why/ when you know it ain’t the first time/ you have seen our chalk outlines/ don’t be so shy/ remember hurricane Andrew/ remember hurricane Katrina/ remember 9-ll/ remember breaking of the levies/ these extreme circumstances of unintended disastrous events should not be the only moments we become allies/ in fact I dare you to gain your independence like Haiti/ greet and love your neighbor as if your life depended on it/ instead of calculating pre-planned goodbyes/ we are not clock makers/ we don’t have all the time in the world/ freedom is the definition of living and existing/ and is such a value that should never be taken for granted/ because as soon as feet touch the granite/ we become launched proverbs in our native planets/ growing is knowing that interdependence is what keeps us from being stranded/ because sometimes death comes sooner than you plan it/ consequently there is no one without the other/ we are here in this together/ and the creator has blessed Haiti forever/ for standin’ for everything/ and falling for nothing/ yes travesty looks like no dream/ but looks can be so deceiving/ especially when evolution says that souls are in a constant state of being/ lungs are in a constant state of breathing/ the earth is in a constant state of feeding/ giving and receiving/ bleeding/ for the best parts of our history to keep on repeating/ and so Haiti I feel you so intensely on the inside/ that I open my unimagined eyelids to see that outside/ in demise is resurrection/ greater reflection/ more reasons to strive for empowerment/ atonement/ and perfection in repetition/ I see with your acute vision/ every moment to be free be with your will power in memory/ I change the senses of my structure valuing all elements of self wealth intimately/ because there is no better way to walk this path/ when freedom is the tendency……………

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