I once heard a King say I want my people to be free/ and now I claim the same identity/ for my peoples’ ability/ because I want my people to be free/ NO!/ not free like our self-worth is zero/ NO!/not free like our lives are in vain/ but free like there are already generations of lives that reside inside our veins/NO!/ not free like I won’t complain/ but free like I am cutting off all personal attachments to struggle strife and pain/ as it pertains/ to releasing the chains/ but the real questions are that how are we going to be free when we still claim/ our slave master’s name/ how are we ever going to be free when we still play the slave masters game/ so much so until people are having children just to see how much more welfare they can gain/ And this disdain for life just doesn’t make things the same/ It doesn’t make the appreciation for life the same/ doesn’t make our emancipation proclamation the same/ when really it’s never been the same/ since it first began/ or begun/ what if our tongues could parallel guns/ then maybe we wouldn’t be so afraid to do more than just speak/ maybe shoot or kill/ then heal/ and rebuild/ for our freedom/ maybe then freedom wouldn’t just be something we hope and believe in/ maybe it would be something that we’re seeing/ something that we’re being/ something that we’re agreeing/ by any necessary el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz Autumn ballroom you and you still keep breathing/ I want my people to be free/ I want my people to be free/ I want my people to be free/ like liberation is never leaving/ like liberation/ like liberation/ like liberation/ is-all-I'm-ever-needing...
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